Your satisfaction is our priority! If your purchase didn’t meet your expectations, we’re happy to make it right.

We offer free refunds and exchanges within 30 days of your purchase—no restocking fees, no return shipping costs.

To start a return or exchange, simply reach out to us at, and we’ll guide you through the process.

We appreciate your support and look forward to ensuring you love your experience!


Q:What is our refund policy?

We gladly accept the return of all items that are unworn, unwashed, and with their original tags within 30 days of delivery. If you return your items after the 30-day window of time, credit will be issued in place of a refund.

Q:How long will it take to receive a refund?

Please allow up to 10 days to fully process your return. Once we receive the item, we will process your return. You will receive a confirmation email once your refund has been processed.

Q:How do I start the return process?

It's easy! Just drop us an email at and we will give you all instructions to complete your return. You will be requested to print a prepaid shipping label and to attach it to the package. Our carrier will contact you by phone and schedule the best time for the pick up.


We provide FREE SHIPPING AND RETURNS within the USA.  See additional shipping information; HERE

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